
Description of options


When working with [TIS]Board as planning solution the visibility of Portlets & pages is influenced by several factors which are discussed here.
The following rights can be given for users in the User-Management for the Client
(e.g. in …. XIMES/TIS/UserManagement/Overview.aspx for Client UK01), provided one has the necessary administrative access rights:

  1. [TIS]BoardUser … access to predefined pages & Portlets
  2. [TIS]BoardDesigner … create new Portlets
  3. [TIS]BoardAdmin … add & remove administrative pages
  4. [TIS]BoardMasterDesigner … publish pages

Add & remove administrative pages

Given the users have the necessary access rights, he/she can work with administrative Portlets, i.e. predefined Portlets that provide information on the state of the server, open projects etc.

A detailed description is given in Ownership of projects & Administration Portlets and in Further Administration Portlets.


Given users have the necessary access rights, users can publish their pages to become visible to (many) other users by moving them to the top folder:
Thereby they become visible to other users (with [TIS]Board user rights).
NOTE: Published pages cannot be changed directly. The have to be moved back into the domain of a specific user. This user can change them then and publish again.