
Standardize data columns in reference to the parameter, which is calculated for this day. e.g.

  • Which share have different values at the average of the day.

e.g.  A value is 5% of the average volume of the day,

How much is it in comparison to the biggest value of the period?

The value is 50% of the biggest value


Date + Time (From)

[Input] Column with the start time (Date and Time) of the period,
The column has to be a Date and Time type

Date + Time (To)
[Input] Column with the end time (Date and Time) of the period,
The column has to be a Date and Time type

Data column
[Input] Column(s) which values should be reorganized.

Day type
[Input] Column which represents the Day type (e.g. Holiday, normal)
It has to be an identifier.

Identifier (Queue)
[Input] Column which value should be used as the name of the new column(s)
           e.g. (Department A) & (Department B)
It has to be an identifier.


Result column
[Input] Name of the Result column

Normalizing Method
[Input] How should be calculated

  • related to the sum (It will be calculated whats the percentage of the value in comparison to the sum of the period)
  • related to the biggest value (It will be calculated whats the percentage of the value in comparison to the biggest value of the period

Want to learn more?



Columns of input table





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