The week starts with Sunday instead of Monday - in the WEEK use | Development language in the editor is English (and there the default week starts on Sunday. As it is a week it is not ifluenced by the start of the year date | Add a Formua operator with the following code: #From help#.DayOfYear == 1 ? XIH.SetDateTime("From help", #From help#.AddDays(7)) && XIH.SetDateTime("Until help", #Until help#.AddDays(7)) : true
Or for the wekly perspective: XIH.SetDateTime("Until help", #Until help#.AddDays(((int) #From help#.DayOfWeek) == 6 ? 8 : 1)) && XIH.SetDateTime("From help", #From help#.AddDays(((int) #From help#.DayOfWeek) == 6 ? 8 : 1)) && XIH.SetString("Start", (#Start#).Replace("As from week","").Replace("Mo","").Replace("Su","")) ? |