Transform to 11U

Step 1:

  1. Make new data-node Refer to data-node with raw data
  2. Convert DateTIME


Sums per type of time


We have a list of revenues, which revenues are not within the Opening hours?



Ho to define :

  • Mo-Sa 9:00 – 18:00
  • Mo … Tu …
  • from 1.1.2011 Mo … Tufrom 1.3. 2012 Mo... Tu …
  • Filiale A: from 1.1.2011 Mo … Tufrom 1.3. 2012 Mo... Tu …
  • Filiale B ….



  • Formelaoperator
  • Zeitbereichsfilter (only applicable in some cases)
  • Merge data with some information, when a shop is open/or not in one of theses ways
    1. If an intervall is defined over several raster intervalls: Test with Formula operator
    2. If it is defined per raster interval: Work with Merge Data (Daten Zusammenfassen)

  • Liste und Import CSV
  • Mache die Liste im TIS direkt: wann ist offen

    Von Uhrzeit
    Bis Uhrzeit