The Formula Operator may stop when it encounters a value that it cannot deal with, e.g., a wrong Date format.
Follow these steps to identify this value:
Define a new integer parameter: e.g. Debug row Counter Add the command (depending on result-type) (XIH.SetParam("Debug row Counter ", rowNumber +1 ) ? 0:0) + (original formula) OR (XIH.SetParam("Debug row Counter ", rowNumber + 1) ? true : true) + (original formula) OR (XIH.SetParam("Debug row Counter ", rowNumber + 1) ? "": "") + (original formula) ATTENTION: This method is very slow and should only be applied to small amounts of data or in a step-by-step manner, e.g., by adding rowNumber < 10000 && ..
Formula operator (row-by-row) (4.0) = Formeloperator
Formula operator (row-by-row) (5.0)