Obsoleted by Generate shifts 2.0 starting from v 6.5
Searches for a good shift schedule for an entered staffing level
Name | Value | Opt. | Description | Example |
Update rate | System.Int32 | - | Please enter the number of seconds after which the next interim solution will be printed? | - |
Input table structure
Parameter | Description | Values | Default Value | Default Factor |
| Keep high cover to a minimum | 0,20 | ||
| Keep low cover to a minimum | 0,20 | ||
| Keep number of types of shift types to a minimum | 12,00 | ||
| Prefer same shift ends | 0,00 | ||
| Prefer shifts of length equal or greater to | 1,00 | ||
| Preferred shift length in minutes | 240,00 | ||
| Keep number of average duties per week to a minimum per employee (FTE) | 200,00 | ||
bMaximumNumbeOfWorkingHours | missing | |||
Weight for MaximumNumberOfWorkingHours | missing | |||
| Maximum number of working hours scheduled | 40,00 | ||
missing | ||||
b | missing | |||
| Maximum number of employees scheduled | 400,00 | ||
missing | ||||
| Minimum workforce requirements | 4,00 | ||
| Maximum workforce requirements | 4,00 | ||
| Similarity between cover and operating hours curves | 5,00 | ||
| Average working hours per week | 48,00 | ||
| Optimum number of duties per week (This value is hard-coded in OPA Desktop) | 3 | ||
| Desired maximal duties per week | 6,00 | ||
| Preferred shift end in minutes | 15,00 | ||
| Consider desired maximum number of persons |
| 0,00 | |
| Desired maximum number of persons e.g. call center having limited number of workstations | 100,00 | ||
| Consider desired maximum number of shifts |
| 0,00 | |
| Desired maximum number of shifts | 10,00 | ||
| Consider desired maximum number of persons in on call shifts |
| 0,00 | |
| Desired maximum number of persons in on call shifts | 100,00 | ||
| Consider desired maximum number of on call shift |
| 0,00 | |
| Desired maximum number of on call shifts | 10,00 | ||
missing | ||||
Algorithm |
| |||
StopAfterSeconds | 600 | |||
StopAfterSecondsNoImprovement | 15 | |||
JobDirectory | TIS\$System\OPA_SUPERUSER_COMPLEX |
Error | Error Code | Description |
--- General (ErrorCodes bis 99) | ||
ERR_GeneralError | 1 | not further specified error (wird im Zwei onError goto:.. abgefangen) |
ERR_NoRequirements | 10 | No requirements specified |
ERR_NoShiftTypes | 11 | No ShiftTypes specified |
ERR_NoWeights | 12 | No Weights specified |
--- Requirements (ErrorCodes von 100-199) | ||
ERR_InvalidRequirementsArguments | 100 | Invalid Requirements: wrong number of arguments. 9 arguments are required |
ERR_InvalidRequirementDuty | 101 | Duties must be numeric! |
ERR_InvalidRequirements | 102 | Invalid Requirements: not further specified error |
--- ShiftTypes (ErrorCodes von 200-299) | ||
ERR_InvalidShiftTypeEarliestStartTime | 200 | Invalid earliest start time of a shift type |
ERR_InvalidShiftTypeLatestStartTime | 201 | Invalid latest start time of a shift type |
ERR_InvalidShiftTypeOptimalStartTime | 207 | Invalid latest start time of a shift type |
ERR_InvalidShiftTypeLength | 202 | Invalid length of a shift type |
ERR_InvalidShiftTypesArguments | 203 | Invalid ShiftTypes: wrong number of arguments. 5 arguments are required |
ERR_InvalidShiftTypeLengthDefinition | 204 | the minimum and maximum length of a shift type is not clearly defined |
ERR_AmbiguousShiftType | 205 | one shift type abbreviation is used more often than once |
ERR_InvalidShiftType | 206 | Invalid shift type: not further specified error |
ERR_InvalidUnfixedBreak | 208 | Invalid shifttype: |
ERR_InvalidNewComing | 209 | Invalid shift type: not further specified error |
ERR_InvalidPercentage | 210 | Invalid shift type: not further specified error |
ERR_InvalidColor | 211 | Invalid shift type: not further specified error |
ERR_InvalidOverlappingTime | 212 | Invalid shift type: Übergabezeit |
ERR_InvalidPercentageStandby | 213 | Invalid shift type: not further specified error |
ERR_InvalidReserveNecessary | 214 | Invalid shift type: not further specified error |
--- BreakTypes (ErrorCodes von 300-399) | ||
ERR_InvalidBreakTypeArgument | 300 | one of the passed arguments is invalid |
ERR_InvalidBreakDistance | 301 | max distance from start is smaller than min distance" |
ERR_InvalidBreakTypeArgNumber | 302 | wrong number of arguments. 6 args are required |
ERR_InvalidBreakType | 303 | not further specified error |
ERR_SpecifiedShiftTypeInvalid | 304 | the shift type specified in the break type doesn |
ERR_OverlappingBreakTypes | 306 | two break types that are assigned to one shift type are overlapping! |
ERR_InvalidNumberOfBreakTypes | 307 | maximal 3 PausenTypen pro SchichtType sind erlaubt! |
ERR_BreakTypeDoesNotFitInShifttype | 308 | maximal 3 PausenTypen pro SchichtType sind erlaubt! |
--- Weights (ErrorCodes von 400-499) | ||
ERR_InvalidWeights | 400 | invalid weight (muß positiv sein) |
ERR_InvalidNumberOfWeights | 401 | ungültige Anzahl von Gewichten => müssen 3 sein!! |
ERR_InvalidNumberOfOtherConstraints | 402 | ungültige Anzahl von Gewichten => müssen 3 sein!! |
ERR_InvalidOtherConstraints | 403 | |
--- StopAfterSeconds (ErrorCodes von 500-599) | ||
ERR_InvalidStopAfterSecondsTime | 500 | invalid stopAfterSecondsSpecification (must be positive!) |
--- Time (ErrorCodes von 600-699) | ||
ERR_InvalidNumberOfCharactersInTimeString | 600 | Zeitstring muß aus 5 Zeichen bestehen |
ERR_InvalidTimeCharacter | 601 | der Zeitstring darf nur aus Ziffern und ":" bestehen |
ERR_InvalidTimeString | 602 | ungültiger TimeString |
ERR_TimeMustBeLessThan24 | 603 | Zeit muß zwischen 00:00 und 23:59 sein |
ERR_MinutesInTimeCauseInvalidInterval | 604 | die Minuten im Zeitstring müssen durch 5 teilbar |
ERR_InvalidDayStartTime | 605 | Invalid day start time |
--- Solution (Eingabe) (ErrorCodes von 700-799) | ||
ERR_InvalidSolutionTime | 700 | Zeitstring muß aus 5 Zeichen bestehen |
ERR_InvalidSolutionDuty | 701 | Besetzungsstärken müssen eine Zahl sein |
ERR_InvalidSolutionArgs | ||
ERR_SolutionHasNoShiftType | 703 | die Input-Solution hat keinen Schichttyp, der passt!! |
ERR_InvalidSolutionUnfixedBreak | 704 | |
ERR_InvalidSolutionPercentage | 705 | |
ERR_InvalidSolutionNewComing | 706 | |
ERR_InvalidSolutionStandby | 707 | |
ERR_InvalidSolutionColor | 708 | |
ERR_InvalidSolution | 709 | |
ERR_InvalidSolutionShiftStatus | 710 | |
--- Plausibilität der LÖSUNG überprüfen (ErrorCodes ab 1000) | ||
ERR_InvalidShiftGenerated | 1000 | eine Schicht wurde erzeugt, die nicht zu den Spezifikationen des Schichttyps passt |
ERR_InvalidBreakGenerated | 1001 | mindestens eine erzeugte Pause liegt nicht innerhalb der Schicht |
ERR_UnfixedBreakGenerated | 1002 | mindestens eine nicht fixe Pause wurde erzeugt |
ERR_NotEnoughGeneratedBreaks | 1003 | es wurde nicht für jede Person eine Pause erzeugt! |
ERR_TooManyGeneratedBreaks | 1004 | es wurden Pausen für mehr Personen als am entsprechenden Wochentag anwesend sind erzeugt. |
ERR_InvalidNumberOfBreaks | 1005 | einer Person ist eine ungültige Anzahl von Pausen zugeteilt worden |
ERR_BreaksNotAllowed | 1006 | Bei der Generierung dürften keine Pausen erzeugt werden (Aufruf ohne Pause)" |
ERR_SameShiftabbreviation | 1007 | |
ERR_ShiftHasNoFittingShifttype | 1008 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_TimePeriodToOptimize | 2000 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_BreakLunchQty | 2001 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_BreakType2Qty | 2002 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_BreakLengthVar | 2003 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_BreakLengthFix | 2004 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_BreakPosVar | 2005 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_BreakPosFix | 2006 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_MissingBreakDefinitons | 2007 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_MeetingsDefiniton | 2009 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_MeetingsOutside | 2010 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_IntervalTooSmall | 2011 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_RuleBreaksWeights | 2012 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_BreakDistance | 2008 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_NoINIFile | 2050 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_COMETNoInitalSolution | 2051 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_COMETPROCESSTerminated | 2052 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_COMETInternalError | 2053 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_COMETNoSolution | 2054 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_COMETUserRights | 2055 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_COMETProcessStartInvalid | 2056 | |
ERR_OptimizeBreaks_NoBreakRules | 2500 |
Nothing known up to now.