Links a date column to a calendar (e.g. Holiday calendar).
Example: Link time data with calendar data for Holidays and annual work closing dates
Situation | The following data node shall be linked with two calendar nodes. 1. Annual holidays: 2. Annual closing dates of the company: |
Step 1 | Settings:
Result 1 | The calendar information is added to the time data above: |
Step 2 | Now add the calendar information about the closing dates: |
Result 2 | The calendar with the closing dates is integrated into the column C "Day type": Please note: If a date is already attributed a calendar type (e.g. 1 January) this is not overwritten in step 2. |
Project-File |
Please note
- Please carry out the Operation Scaling 7.0 before you link to the calendar. Otherwise a raster interval will be created per calendar day type.
- XML definitions are available for a quick import of calendars.
- Please check if day types shall be taken from the calendar (seldom) or if a certain denomination shall be used (e.g., "Holiday").
- In addition to the public holiday calendar there are also some holiday calendars or macros for computing available. (Link in old wiki does not work any more)