
Helps to calculate values for intervals by transforming potentially unscaled interval (e.g. 08:22 – 17:34) into a series of scaled intervals (e., 08:30 – 09:00, 09:00 – 09:30 …)



To decide whether such a scaled interval is considered to be a interval caused by the original interval is surprisingly tricky.
A nice analogy (by Wolfgang Aigner) is a mesh and the question whether each hole is filled or not.

This problem can be further refined by two aspects:

  1. When do short intervals fill larger holes E.g. if a customer waits from 8:02 to 8:05 …is this to be counted as a waiting customer in the interval 08:00 – 08:30?
  2. How many holes of the mesh are filled by a long interval E.g. how many 30' intervals are covered by the interval 08:17 – 17:14? Is 08:00 to 08:30 and 17:00 – 17:30 an interval? Are both considered, one …?

Example: Scaling of a table with raw time data


Raster the time interval 2007/01/01 6:00 to 2007/01/01 14:30 into 1-hour-intervals

Operation setting

Choose date columns, scaling and calculation method (other examples see below).


TIS Project

Confluence Op Scaling.gzip

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Time periods are set in a specific scale (minutes or hours).

Columns of input table



Example 1: Different calculation methods

The time interval 2007/01/01 6:00 to 2006/01/01 14:30 is applied to different calculation methods.

Calculation method



See example above:

100% in a 1-hour raster

if Convert 0 lines? is not selected

100% in a 1-hour raster

if Convert 0 lines? is selected

50% in a 1-hour raster

no matter if Convert 0 lines? is selected or not


Example 2: Proportional time*value <> proportional time

The following time interval, value = 27 is rastered with different scaling methods.

Calculation method



Proportional time*value

Explanation: Scaling interval = 2 minutes (120 seconds) determines the resulting proportion

row 1: half of the interval met, therefore 60/120*27=13.5

rows 2 and 3: interval fully met, therefore 120/120*27=27

row 4: half of the interval met, therefore 60/120*27=13.5

Proportional time

Explanation: Duration of the period in the whole data set (6 minutes = 360 seconds) determines the resulting proportion

row 1: 16:13 – 16:14 = 60 seconds, therefore 60/360*27= 4.5

row 2: 16:14 – 16:16 = 120 seconds, therefore 120/360*27= 9

row 3: 16:16 – 16:18 = 120 seconds, therefore 120/360*27= 9

row 4: 16:18 – 16:19 = 60 seconds, therefore 60/360*27 = 4.5




Frequent Cause


There are surprisingly high requirement peaks! – How can I check if they are plausible?


The following steps can help understand these peaks:

1) Check if the result is due to the scaling method:

  • Do the peaks disappear, if a shorter interval is selected?
  • Do they disappear, if 100% is selected (to exclude rounding)?

2) Check if the peak is due to a few individual values:

3) Check the underlying data.

In case the peaks are really errors, eliminate the faulty data records or time intervals e.g. with TIS:Zeitbereichsfilter (old Wiki) .

There are only points in time. What shall I do?


Use "Calculation" to add e.g. 30 minutes to create a virtual interval and then analyse with >>Count only start time<<. “Normal scaling” would not make sense in this case.

The calculated staffing level seems incorrect

This may be due to the interval selected.

If in doubt, try using shorter intervals

15 minute scaling can produce strange results for intervals of 10 minutes or less: in case of 50% overlapping e.g.

  • 00:00 – 00:10 --> staffing level = 1 in 00:00 – 00:15
  • 00:20 – 00:30 --> staffing level = 1 in 00:15 – 00:30
  • BUT: 00:40 – 00:50 --> staffing level = 0 in 00:30 – 00:40, 00:40 – 00:50, 00:50 – 00:60
  • in case of 100% overlapping --> staffing level = 0

Related topics

  • A detailed description of how to allocate time data along a time raster (time interval) using different calculation methods can be found under Basics: Scaling and time raster
  • This operation can be used to determine how many persons were present in certain time intervals.
  • Please also refer to the operation Sum and count
  • Please execute Link to calendar only after scaling, otherwise two raster intervals will be created per type of calendar day.