Change the Default Client for TIS Board Login
Element | Description |
Background | The default client automatically appears when you come to the login page of the TIS-Board. This client can be set to another client in the TIS-Board setting. |
Open TISBoardSettings.js | This file can be found on the server where TIS has been installed: |
Change here the settings for the Default Client | C:\inetpub\wwwroot\XIMES\TISBoard\portal\portal\TISBoardSettings.js TISBoard.MAINCONNECTURL = '/XIMES/TISBoard/DispatcherService.svc' ; // Base language setting TISBoard.lang = "en" ; // TISBoard Settings TISBoard.AddPortletTreeHeight = 350; TISBoard.ControllerLabelWidth = 150; TISBoard.MaxOpenedTabs = 1; //TISBoard.ReportStyle = "background: #F7FBFF;"; //TISBoard.OMTPStyle = "background: #FFFFCC;"; TISBoard.tokenPleaseWait = _( "Please wait." ); TISBoard.defaultClient = "01" ; TISBoard.initialEditMode = false ; TISBoard.MinHeight = 60; TISBoard.MaxHeight = 2000; TISBoard.MinRefreshTime = 0; TISBoard.MaxWestTreeWidth = 355; TISBoard.MinWestTreeWidth = 200; |