TIS 6 User's Manual Advanced Issues Advanced Usage TIS Board Setting a different Logo Setting a different Logo ElementDescriptionBackgroundNormally on the top of the TIS-Board pages there is XIMES logo. For certain solutions it might be necessary to replace it with a different logoGo to the right folderThere where TIS was installed on the server there should be a path like that:TISBoard\portal\portal\logosAccess rightsAssure that the account under which the TIService runs has access rights to this directory.By convention the account is named with prefix x_iis_tiss_*ConfigurationUsing the TIService\bin\TIServiceWindowsService.exe.config with absolute path works fine:<add key="DashboardPageImageDirectory" value="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MYSITE\TISBoard\portal\portal\logos"/>Replace filesThere you will find at least the following files: Replace all of them with the new logo or add logos to be available for individual page logos.Set Logo for a pageSee also Managing and formatting single pagesHide the "change logo" buttonAdding following setting to TISBoard\portal\portal\TISBoardBranding.js hides the Button:TISBoard.ViewSettings.EnableCustomerLogoChange = false; Change the Default Client for TIS Board Login Adjust Portlet properties dynamically
Adding following setting to TISBoard\portal\portal\TISBoardBranding.js hides the Button: