Formula Operator: Conversion and Formatting
Example: Add number of hours to a Date/Time column
Example: Add number of hours in one column to a date without hours in another column
How to get the number of hours in the text "07:00" in column B?
A | B | Result |
01.05.2006 00:00:00 | 07:00 | 7 |
How add the hours of column B to column A?
A | B | Result |
01.05.2006 07:00:00 | 07:00 | 7 |
Please note:
- C# is case sensitive. Be careful with upper and lower case letters!
- The decimal point for System.Convert.ToDouble() is set either to point '.' or comma ','.
Thus, it can happen that the string '0,5' is by mistake converted to 5.
Therefore, in order to convert text or strings to numbers with decimal places, please use the operation Conversion "String -> Double"
Function/Property | Return value | Description |
System.Convert.ToDouble(o) | Number with decimal places | Converts a value or string into a number with decimal places. |
System.Convert.ToDouble(o) | Number with decimal places | If possible use Conversion "String -> Double" |
System.Convert.ToInt32(o) | Integer | Converts a value or value string into an integer. |
System.Convert.ToString(o) | Text | Converts a value or value string into a text string. |
More Examples
Situation | Code |
Convert string "01-JAN-08" into a date | First, check if the "culture" is correct. E.g., in Austria "JÄN", in Germany "JAN", in America "OCT" etc. If this is correct: System.DateTime.ParseExact(#columnname#,"dd-MMM-yy",null) ... e.g. german date format in german TIS If the culture does not fit then a conversion is possible: System.DateTime.ParseExact(#DepDate#,"dd-MMM-yy",new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")) different cultures: "de-AT", "de-DE", "de-CH", "en-GB", "en-US", "en-AU" ... This allows to avert for example the popular topics Jänner, Januar ... Please note: During import it is possible that for some months the import works and for some months it doesn't work. The culture cannot be changed in the import operation. Therefore, import as text and continue as described above. |
Convert string into date or time | Date format yyyyMMddHHmmss WITHOUT separators: To convert from e.g. 20060101090000 to 01.01.2006 09:00:00 with the formula operator (row-by-row):
| Alternatively first use the formula operator (row-by-row): #FromTime#.Substring(6,2) + "." + #FromTime#.Substring(4,2) + "." + #FromTime#.Substring(0,4) + " " + #FromTime#.Substring(8,2) + "." + #FromTime#.Substring(10,2) + ":" + #FromTime#.Substring(12,2) + ":" + |
Add a number of hours as a string in #B# to date #A# | #A#.AddHours(System.Convert.ToInt32(#B#.Substring(0,2)) ... |
Convert a number into a certain text format | #Number#.ToString("000") ... converts exactly into a 3-digit value More complex examples incl. the distinction between positive and negative (similar to EXCEL "$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00);Zero") \n could produce a line break in C# but this is not allowed in the formula editor. |
Convert a number format for a time (hour) into a time of day format | Example: If a column #From time (hours)# contains a value for an hour, e.g. 17.5, then convert to the value "17:30". System.Math.Floor(#From time (hours)#).ToString("00") + ":" + ((#From time (hours)# - System.Math.Floor(#From time (hours)#))*60.0).ToString("00") |
Convert a numeric date value (with offset start date as the base) into a date format | For example: System.Convert.ToDateTime("01.01.1970").AddSeconds(#duration#) With the operation formula editor such date fields can be converted. new System.DateTime( System.TimeSpan.FromTicks(new System.DateTime(1900, 1, 1).Ticks + ((long)#InputValue# * 0xc92a69c000)).Ticks Brief explanation:
Calculating with Ticks. | A single tick represents one hundred nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a second. There are 10,000 ticks in a millisecond, or 10 million ticks in a second. Example: System.DateTime(System.TimeSpan.FromTicks(new System.DateTime(1900, 1, 1).Ticks + ((long)#A# * 0xc92a69c000)).Ticks
This example can be done much more simple: System.DateTime(new System.DateTime(1900, 1, 1).AddDays(#A#)).Ticks |
Add a (almost) military time ("1" = 00:00, "30" = 00:30, ... "200" = 02:00, ...) to a date | #From time# == 1 ? #Date#.AddHours(0) : #Date#.AddMinutes((60* (int)(#From time#/100))+System.Math.IEEERemainder(#From time#,100)) |
How can I split a string consisting of various parts with different lengths after each punctuation mark? | First Part, delimiter is ',': #Column#.Split(new char[]{','})[0] Second Part, delimiter is ',': #Column#.Split(new char[]{','})[1] Third Part, delimiter is ',': #Column#.Split(new char[]{','})[2] Fourth Part, delimiter is ',': #Column#.Split(new char[]{','})[3] |