Formula operator: General Mathematics
General Mathematics
Function/Property | Example | Description |
+ | #A# + #B# | Addition |
- | #A# - #B# | Subtraction |
/ | #A# / #B# | Division |
* | #A# * #B# | Multiplication |
% | #A# % #B# | A modulo B |
Write the constant with decimal places --> 7.0 if an operation is supposed to yield a number with decimal places and you are working with constants.
The result is defined as a number with decimal places
Case 1: 10 / 3
results in 3.0
Case 2: 10 / 3.0
results in 3.33
Built-In C# Functions of System.Math
Function | Return Value | Result |
System.Math.Abs(d) | Number with decimal places | Number without algebraic sign (absolute value of d) |
System.Math.Floor(d) | Integer | Yields the largest integer equal to or less than the input value (d). |
System.Math.Ceiling(d) | Integer | Yields the smallest integer equal to or greater than the input value (d). |
System.Math.Round(a,n) | Number with decimal places | Rounds a double-precision floating-point value (a) to a specified number (n) of fractional digits. See also MSDN Please note: to round half away from zero (e.g., round 23.5 to 24, and 23.4 to 23) use System.Math.Round((double)#C#, System.MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) |
System.Math.IEEERemainder(a,n) | Remainder of a division | Divides a by n and returns the remainder The IEEERemainder method is not the same as the remainder operator. Although both return the remainder after division, the formulas they use are different. The formula for the IEEERemainder method is:
In contrast, the formula for the remainder operator is:
System.Math.Log(a) | Number with decimal places | Yields the logarithm of a |
System.Math.Log10(a) | Number with decimal places | Yields the base 10 logarithm of a |
System.Math.Log(a,b) | Number with decimal places | Yields the base b logarithm of a |
System.Math.Max(a,b) | Number with decimal places | Yields the maximum of a and b |
System.Math.Min(a,b) | Number with decimal places | Yields the minimum of a and b |
System.Math.Pow(x,y) | Number with decimal places | Calculates the exponentiation of base x and exponent y (xy) |
System.Math.Sqrt(d) | Number with decimal places | Calculates the square root of d |
System.Math.Sign(d) | Number with decimal places | Yields the algebraic sign of d |
System.Math.Sin(d) | Number with decimal places | Sinus of d |
System.Math.Cos(d) | Number with decimal places | Cosinus of d |
System.Math.Truncate(d) | Number with decimal places | Yields the integral portion of d |
Additionally, Sin, Cos, Tan, Sing, Cosh, Tanh, Asin, Acos, Atan, PI and E are available, see also MSDN
More Examples
Question | Code |
Number of values in pivot | 7 times single field in e.g. "N Mo" with #Mo# > 0 ? 1:0 and then field for total with #N MON# + #N TUE# + #N WED# + #N THU# + #N FRI# + #N SAT# + #N SUN# |
Calculate sum in pivot table | #MON# + #TUE# + #WED# + #THU# + #FRI# + #SAT# + #SUN# ... |