To prevent problems please read and follow the instructions bellow:




Oracle managed client is being used - built in.

The connection strings in ximesdalconfig.xml and in the SQL Operators are not valid anymore. Connections are not possible with the old connection string. Oracle client installation is obsolete, TNSNames.ora is not being used.

In the connection strings the Data Source alias has to be replaced with the real date source. Example:


Password=Password;User ID=DBNAME;Data Source=ALIASFROMTNSNAMES



Cronjob portlet changes

To make Cronjob portlets more roboust, there are some restrictions, so they will not work in their current form, some changes are necessary.

The project specified in the portlet has to be a template project. The user running the cronjob cannot have the “Developer” role. We recommend using a dedicated user for cronjobs.

Please check the data source type after an update, it can be necessary to change it to “Datanode”.

There is an admin-portlet called Cronjob runs where the runs are listed with some additional information.

OpenId Rolemapping stored in the database

The rolemapping in config.ini is obsolete, it will be stored in the database. Therefore the mapping does not work until it is set again.

The rolemapping hast to be configured in TIS Editor under User Management. The Clientadministrator user can only log in, if it has the Plano-role TISAdmin.