- Installation files are provided as a zip on request and may be downloaded from the XIMES cloud.
- Have your License-Info file ready.
- See also System requirements
PostgreSQL server installation (optional)
Note : PostgreSQL 12 is not yet supported!
No | Description | Screenshot |
1 | PostgreSQL database server setup - default port 5432
- set a password for postgres user
| |
2 | pgbouncher (optional) |
3 | pgagent for each TISDB | |
4 | create user tisdbadm | createuser -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 --pwprompt --encrypted --createdb --createrole --inherit --login tisdbadm
5 | C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\pgpass.conf replace <password> | localhost:5432:*:tisdbadm:<password> |
6 | C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\.pg_service.conf | [local_tisdbadm] host=localhost port=5432 user=tisdbadm dbname=postgres connect_timeout=5 |
7 | test connection for service local_tisdbadm | C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin>psql service=local_tisdbadm psql (11.6) WARNING: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252) 8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql reference page "Notes for Windows users" for details. Type "help" for help. postgres=> |
| proceed with TIS installation and return after creating TISDB ... |
8 | Upgrade pgagent extension version (optional) | In case you find following error in windows event log, then use psql and connect to target database and upgrade extension. Unsupported schema version: 3. Version 4 is required - please run pgagent_upgrade.sql. CREATE EXTENSION pgagent FROM "3.4";
9 | create a pgagent for a specific TISDB
| |
No | Description | Screenshot |
1 | - Extract zip to C:\Install
2 | - Run Powershell as Administrator and execute command
| |
3 | - Execute TISInstaller.exe as Administrator
4 | - On a new Windows Machine prerequisits have to be installed using the Deployment/Prepare command
- Select all items in dialog
- select sqlcmd only for MSSQL
| |
5 | | |
6 | - select Make config in Deployment menu
| |
7 | - create a new tisconfig
- enter your host name
| |
7b | Change site name (optional) - default is TIS
- rename folder tisconfig\machines\<yourhostname>\hosts\tis to your site name
- adapt tisconfig\machines\<yourhostname>\hosts\<site name>\settings.xml
- adapt TISBoardSettings.js
- TISBoard.MAINCONNECTURL = "/<sitename>/TISBoard/Dispatcher.svc';
- TISBoard.SitePatch = '/<sitename>';
- adapt EditorSettings.js
- window.EditorSettings.site_path = "<sitename>"
8a | - create a new database TISDB for PostgreSQL
- enter database name
- enter password for database user
| |
8b | - create a new database TISDB for MSSQL
- enter database name
- enter a password for the database user
- enter default TISAdmin username
- user must be available in the specified identity server
- as a result specified user has CLIENTADMINISTRATOR role
- has permission for User Management
| |
8c | - create a new database TISDB for Oracle
- enter database name
- enter a password for the database user
- enter default TISAdmin username
- user must be available in the specified identity server
- as a result specified user has CLIENTADMINISTRATOR role
- has permission for User Management
- do not change client ID "01"
| |
9 | - select target folder for ximesdalconfig.xml by selecting the your host name folder in machines folder and your site name in the hosts folder
| |
10 | Please make sure pgagent instance for your TISDB is already created before you carry on ... (see step 8 and 9 in PostgreSQL installation) |
| Create/update a database and save ximesdalconfig.xml to your tisconfig\machine\template\hosts\tis folder - PostgreSQL you need to adapt your ximesdalconfig.xml and add the password to the connection string
- use
psql -U postgres and set the database user's password with \password tisdb
| Adapt tisconfig - copy or rename folder tisconfig\machines\template to your hostname e.g. tisconfig\machines\myhost.com
adapt file tisconfig\machine\template\hosts\settings.xml - set MachineConfig\Name to your hostname (FQDN)
- set MachineConfig\IISSettings\HostName to your hostname (FQDN)
11 | adapt the tisconfig\machine\<yourhostname>\hosts\tis\settings.xml - optionally set SiteConfig\Name to another name for the base path in the resulting URL
- use your License-Info file for following settings
- set SiteConfig\Licensing\CustomerId
- set SiteConfig\Licensing\CustomerGuid
- set SiteConfig\Licensing\SiteId
| |
12 | - Deploy TIS software select machine and site from the tisconfig folder
- optionally select Create a self-signed certificate for SSL
- In the case of offline deployment without an internet connection, untick Install Certificates and follow the instructions at step 13
| |
13 | Certificate installation for offline deployment(optional) - In C:\ProgramData\XIMES\TIS\!!!hostname\!!!sitename\ you will find the u_iis_tiss_tis.csr file for upload.
- Upload CSR and download certificate (zip):
- Select Certificate provider and click on Upload csr
- Upload your certificate signing request file
- Download your certificate in ZIP format
- Copy the downloaded Certificate into C:\ProgramData\XIMES\TIS\!!!hostname\!!!sitename\
- Run deployment again but only tick Install Certificates and untick everything else
- From the Certificate for Import dropdown list select your Certificate.
14 | | |