Creates a TIS Table with HTML or text representation of the input data.This operator allows to store metadata of operations in a TIS table. Data can be collected after each operation in a data node. This way, information on timing and duration of an operation can be obtained and used to investigate update processes.
Table ranges
Definition which columns should be in the report.
Select the folder and the TIS Table were the report data should be stored. Very often there is a "first" node in the chain to be analyzed. By selecting this option, one has a clean report and avoids the need for manual clean up. Heading, Chapter and Description are fields where you may add text that is the used in a larger report (similar to a book). Leave it empty for short reports. Order number has two usages:
If you use the operator several times in one node, the time stamp may be identical. By using 1,2,3… as order number it is easy to sort your report rows.
You may give numbers that allow to reference specific records in a report later to be built with Stimulsoft.
Output formats: Characters per column: limits the number of characters for better display.
Select rows: shows only a sample of the defined rows Filter: filter what should be display (see also Filter on columns 1.1) Note:
The first row is denoted by the number 0.
If you combine Filter and Select rows, the latter must refer to the number of data rows figuring Filter values. E.g., if you filter on all rows with ID = 3 and the first row in the total data table figuring ID = 3 has the rownumber 64, then you must enter in Select rows: 63 to show the data.
If you want to have also information on the value of specific parameters, list them here. E.g., you will see the name and value in the table. Disable allows you to switch on and off reporting with a parameter.