Since Version 5.10 the Stimulsoft Report Designer is integrated into the TIS Board.



Create a data node

As a preparation, a data node with a TIS Board - Stimulsoft report viewer 2.0 operator must be created in TIS Editor.
If a .mrt file is not yet available, it can be easily built via Board and the parameter may be omitted for now and filled in later
(this is the typical and most comfortable way to have example data in the .mrt file.

Activate the TIS Board connection for this data node.
Provide all data nodes that serve as data sources. They will be used to create sample data for the Stimulsoft Designer.

Portlet Designer mode

Switch to the Portlet Designer mode in the TIS Board
It is not necessary to create a portlet at this stage.

TISBOARDDESIGNER role necessary, see TIS Admin.

Keep in mind

  • The tables and data sets are updated when you open the designer (if you want to update them close & reopen the designer)
  • It is good to make backup Copies - save as
    If you save it under a new name however - it loses its connection to the original - so close afterwards and reopen the designer

Stimulsoft Report Designer...

Select "Stimulsoft Report Designer..." in the More Menu

Please check whether you have licensed this feature.

Select data node

In the Dialog, first select the project and then select one of the available data nodes. It must contain a TIS Board - Stimulsoft report viewer 2.0 operation and have the TIS Board property checked.

Create new report...

Generates sample data from the specified data node, opens the Stimulsoft Report Designer with a blank report design file, and ignores an existing MRT file. If no MRT file has been specified yet, a new file is created automatically in the root folder with a default name containing the project name and the data node name.

Sample data

The number of rows for sample data can be entered, default 5 rows.

Note: XSD and XML files are automatically generated in the TIS Board folder. There is no need to generate the files manually using operator Stimulsoft report - export sample data 1.0.

Load Report...

Use Button "Load Report..." for generating sample data and loading the configured MRT File (Stimulsoft Report Design File). The Stimulsoft Designer will open in a separate browser tab or window.

Starting with Version 5.16 Save automatically updates the MRT file in TIS, manual upload in not necessary anymore.

Design Report

Use the Stimulsoft Report Designer

See also Stimulsoft Reports User Manual

Save MRT

When finished, you have to save the MRT file locally on your disk.


Upload the MRT file to the TIS Data Management at the referred location.

Set Parameter

Specify the MRT file in your TIS Board - Stimulsoft report viewer 2.0 operator.

Create Portlet

In order to view the report on the TIS Board you need to create a portlet, see Stimulsoft (Portlet).

Advanced issues


In this example, Colors are defined via the data to format some of the columns.

Text27.Brush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(RESULT.n23_Hintergrundfarbe));

Text27.TextBrush = new Stimulsoft.Base.Drawing.StiSolidBrush(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(RESULT.n23_Textfarbe));



  • Crosstabs over several pages work better if there are not defined as a sub-report
  • (5.13) To reuse cross-Tab definitions for other data-sets do not use the assistant from the beginning 
    • Duplicate page (or import/export)
    • Change the data sources of the tab and the data-field
    • goto into the assistant and change the text for the top-left cell.


Images can either be uploaded directly in the Stimulsoft Designer:


or as a Data Column from a TiS-File:

  1. Upload Image as a TiS-File
  2. Add two columns within an existing data node for PATH and NAME of the file or create a table with these columns
  3. Apply the -operator:
  4. The resulting Column can be accessed in the Stimulsoft Designer as an image / data column: