
Converts an IDurations table (date/time/time) into a Durations table (date+time/date+time) in order to enable further operations (see table types), as some operators can only be applied to Durations tables, e.g., the operator Scaling 7.0.


Example: Convert all rows


The file Import_5.txt with the following structure has already been imported with the operation Import text or CSV file 3.0

  • Condition for the conversion: All rows should be imported. If From-time is identical with To-time, the length shall be 0.

Please note: For information about the settings for the import operations refer to example 1 at Import text or CSV file 3.0.
Do not forget to set the type of the result table to IDurations (conversion necessary).



TIS Project


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Converts an IDurations table (date/time/time) into a Durations table (date+time/date+time) in order to enable further operations (see table types), as some operators can only be applied to Durations tables, e.g., the operator Scaling 7.0.

Columns of input table



Example 2: Ignore rows with From=0:00 hours and To=0:00 hours


The file Import_5.txt with the following structure has already been imported with the operation Import text or CSV file 3.0.

  • Condition for the conversion: Only those rows should be imported which do not contain "0:00 to 0:00". If From-time is identical with To-time, the length shall be 0 minutes.



→ Missing due to an error in the operator. Ticket BugFLEX-39 - Fehler in Operator Convert From-Date/To-Date/To-Time Accepted

Example 3: If Start time = End time, count 24 hours but ignore the entries From=0:00 hours and To=0:00 hours




The file Import_5.txt with the following structure has already been imported with the operation Import text or CSV file 3.0.

  • Condition for importing: Only those rows should be imported which do not contain "0:00 to 0:00". If From-time is identical with To-time, the length shall be 24 hours.



The entry of 2007/01/03 is not taken over into the result table, because both the From-column and the To-column values are 0:00. The entry of 2007/01/04 has a length of 24 hours.



Frequent Cause


The operator "Conversion" is not available...

Often, this is due to a mistake in the preceding import (see Import text or CSV file 3.0)

Please check, if in the import operation under Type of the result column you have selected the type IDurations (conversion necessary). See also Tabellentyp (link to old Wiki).

Related topics

Tabellentyp (link to old Wiki)