Data nodes can depend on one another in a parent-to-child relationship or as referenced nodes. A dependent data node can have one of three recalculation modalities in order to recalculate when a parent or a referenced node is changed: Automatic, manual, and fixed.

Independently of its recalculation modality, the recalculation of a data node can be triggered by an Events in TIS Board.


This is the default. When set to automatic recalculation, an out-of-date data node and all its out-of-date ancestors are recalculated when the data node is opened.

 A data node set to automatic can also be recalculated manually  when the recalculate symbol (image2018-12-6_10-52-40.png) is clicked, see Recalculate Data Node.

When set to automatic, no flag appears in the list of data nodes.


When set to manual recalculation, an out-of-date data node and all its out-of-date ancestors are recalculated when the recalculate symbol (image2018-12-6_10-52-40.png) is clicked, see Recalculate Data Node.

When set to manual, the  flag appears in the list of data nodes.


When set to fixed, a data node cannot be recalculated. The  flag appears in the list of data nodes.