
Show selected data in a chart. Different standard charts are available for selection, such as columns, bars, lines, histograms, etc.

Example: Plot employee count over time in two different stores


The following data node contains data from two stores (A and B). The employee count in each store shall be plotted over time of day.


In the operation, the identifier F, time (A) and the values to be displayed (C) are entered.


It is possible to try out different chart options, e.g., line diagram, stacked bars, etc.

With "settings" (bottom right), the chart can be formatted further.

Chart formatting

  • Formatting: see also How to format a chart in TIS Editor
  • If the chart type is bar, 2d-area or line diagram, then it is possible to chose different chart types for each data column by clicking "Series" at the bottom right:

Beispiel Grafik.jpg


Confluence Op Standard Charts.gzip

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Show selected data in a chart. Different standard charts are available for selection, such as columns, bars, lines, histograms, etc.

Columns of input table



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