
Starting from v 6.9 via HTML (Portlet). The HTML Form provides a user interface to enter data in a form-based way.

It allows to add explanation text and validation error messages.

It is possible to define selection lists and compound input fields, e.g., a set of integers or a set of timestamps.

A full list of input options can be found here Data types in HTML Form

Core steps to setup HTML-Forms

  1. Prepare an editable grid in a specific structure (described below) and build Portlet (with flag hidden - so it is not shown when user works on the page)

  1. Create an HTML Portlet and make it a buddy of the editable grid portlet

The HTML Form is created from a definition that has to be provided in an Editable Grid portlet.
This definition is processed by a JavaScript script.

The portlet has to be referenced as "Buddy editable grid" in the settings of the HTML Portlet.

Columns of the Editable Grid

The Editable Grid contains the definition of the form items or sections as follows.
Columns indices are relevant rather than column names, so the column names can differ between applications.
More columns can be added for other purposes, e.g., error handling.

Column index

Common column names






Header of the form items




Identifier of the item for internal use.





Group name, if the item belongs to a group.

The group name has to be defined in a separate row.


Value Bool or NullableBool
using column JaNein

Boolean value that is read if data type
in column "Variable ID" is "Bool".

Boolean value that is read if data type
in column "Variable ID" is "NullableBool".

Then the box is empty at the beginning thereby allowing to distinguish, whether false=Nein
was entered or no entry was made.


Value DateTime


DateTime value that is read if data type in column
"Variable ID" is DateTime.



Value Float


Float value that is read if data type in column "Variable ID" is Double.



Value String or Selection


String value that is read if data type in column "Variable ID" is String.


String value that is read if data type in column "Variable ID" is "Selection" or any other data type listed in Data types in HTML Form with data column index 6.

The chosen val_id (= nr) is - after a selection in the Column "Werte".

See code below for generating the dictionaries easily out of a comma separated list.

Text in column "Eingabetext" as a python- list with dictionaries

{"val_id" : 1, "val_text" : "Woche"},
{"val_id" : 2, "val_text" : "Monat"}

leads to:




In Output, Input and Label rows:
Information text that is shown in the rightmost column of the form.

For Group it produces an additional row spanning all columns just
below the group Header, e.g. for longer Texts

Graphics ans Hover can be inserted with SVG:

Gib einen <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1" stroke="currentColor" class="size-1">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="m21 7.5-9-5.25L3 7.5m18 0-9 5.25m9-5.25v9l-9 5.25M3 7.5l9 5.25M3 7.5v9l9 5.25m0-9v9"></path>
Prüfungszeitraum <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 256 256" xml:space="preserve">
<title>In diesem Zeitraum können im nächsten Schritt Arbeitszeiten eingegeben werden</title>
<g style="stroke: none; stroke-width: 0; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 10; fill: none; fill-rule: nonzero; opacity: 1;" transform="translate(1.4065934065934016 1.4065934065934016) scale(2.81 2.81)">
<path d="M 45 0 C 20.147 0 0 20.147 0 45 c 0 24.853 20.147 45 45 45 s 45 -20.147 45 -45 C 90 20.147 69.853 0 45 0 z M 49.083 68.404 C 47.884 69.469 46.389 70 44.597 70 c -1.792 0 -3.288 -0.531 -4.486 -1.596 c -1.199 -1.063 -1.798 -2.424 -1.798 -4.082 c 0 -1.657 0.599 -3.018 1.798 -4.082 c 1.198 -1.064 2.693 -1.596 4.486 -1.596 c 1.792 0 3.287 0.532 4.486 1.596 c 1.199 1.064 1.799 2.425 1.799 4.082 C 50.882 65.98 50.282 67.341 49.083 68.404 z M 59.718 38.381 c -0.739 1.524 -1.928 3.081 -3.562 4.671 l -3.864 3.595 c -1.099 1.053 -1.861 2.133 -2.285 3.242 c -0.425 1.109 -0.66 2.515 -0.706 4.217 h -9.61 c 0 -3.271 0.369 -5.852 1.109 -7.746 c 0.739 -1.893 1.937 -3.533 3.595 -4.923 c 1.658 -1.388 2.918 -2.66 3.781 -3.813 c 0.862 -1.154 1.293 -2.425 1.293 -3.814 c 0 -3.382 -1.456 -5.074 -4.368 -5.074 c -1.344 0 -2.431 0.493 -3.259 1.479 c -0.829 0.986 -1.266 2.318 -1.311 3.999 H 29.174 c 0.044 -4.48 1.456 -7.969 4.234 -10.467 C 36.185 21.249 40.083 20 45.101 20 c 4.996 0 8.865 1.154 11.609 3.461 c 2.745 2.308 4.116 5.59 4.116 9.846 C 60.826 35.166 60.457 36.858 59.718 38.381 z" style="stroke: none; stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 10; fill: rgb(0,0,0); fill-rule: nonzero; opacity: 1;" transform=" matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0) " stroke-linecap="round"></path>



Data type


Data type of the item.





Usage of the item. One of

  • Output: Value is displayed and cannot be changed

  • Input: Value is displayed and can be changed

  • Group: No value required, Name is displayed as Group header (before 7.1: Gruppe)

  • Group selected: Same behavior as Group, is set as internal state after group is clicked (before 7.1: Gruppe selected)

  • Hidden: Item is not displayed

  • Label:Behaves like an Input/Output with an omitted input box column

Label: Value of


Error text

Text that is displayed in red letters below the info text of column 6


(New in 7.1)

Row style

String which specifies the CSS class styling of a row.

Default styles:

  • disabled (gray)

  • warningor yellow (yellow)

  • error or red (red)

  • blue

  • green

  • left (align text in input to the left)

  • right (align text in input to the right)

  • center (align text in input centered)

  • bold

  • italic

Value “stylename" adds the following CSS class to the table row, which allows for changing the color in custom.css:

.row-style-stylename {
background-color: white !important;
color: green !important;

Multiple styles can be added when separated by a space, e.g. disabled left results in adding row-style-disabled and row-style-left to the table row.

Example Editable grid

That’s how it may look like


Paste it in an Edit TIS Table 4.0
(TIS-Tabelle bearbeiten)

Title ID Group Bool DateTime Value Float String or Selection Infotext DataType Usage ErrorText RowStyle
My first form 0 01.01.1900 00:00:00 Gruppe
Name 0 01.01.1900 00:00:00 String Input
Nr 0 01.01.1900 00:00:00 String Input

Advanced Settings

The form in simple_form.html is delivered by TIS. It can be customized in TISBoard/portal/simple-form/custom.css for branding (added to tisconfig).

Additional Infos

Generate the code for Selection out of comma separated text

Generate dictionary out of comma separated list

""" Für Elearning Aufbau der spezifischen Spalten"""
import json
def simple_main(params, mylist, types, columns):
"""Baut Spalteninhalt für SELECTIONSAUSWAL HTML FORM auf."""
col_gru = columns [SPALTE_GRUPPE]
col_sel = columns [SPALTE_SELECTIONSTEXT]
# Werte in entsprechende Spalte
for row in mylist:
if row[col_gru] == 'Selection':
txt = row[col_sel]
liste_werte = (txt.strip()).split(',')
# liste_werte = ['-'] + (txt.strip()).split(',') # adds the value - at the beginning of the list, so nothing is selected automatically.
res = json.dumps( [ { "val_id": f"{i}", "val_text": el} for (i, el) in enumerate(liste_werte, 1)])
row[col_sel] = res
return myl
{"val_id" : 1, "val_text" : "Woche"},
{"val_id" : 2, "val_text" : "Monat"}
{"val_id" : 1, "val_text " : "x08:00"},
{"val_id" : 2, "val_text " : "x05:30"},
{"val_id" : 3, "val_text " : "x09:00"}