How to use this manual
What's new
What's new in Version 6.0
What's new in Version 6.1
What's new in Version 6.2
What's new in Version 6.3
What's new in Version 6.4
What's new in Version 6.5
What's new in Version 6.6
What's new in Version 6.7
What's new in Version 6.8
What's new in Version 6.9
What's new in Version 7.0
Getting started
TIS Portal
Components of TIS
Using TIS Board
TIS Board login
Using TIS Boards
Anleitung zur Benutzung des TIS Boards
Arbeiten mit dem TIS Board: Quick Guide
Elemente im TIS Board: Quick Guide
Creating and customizing pages
Design Boards & Pages
Formatting and Working with Portlets
General Elements for all or most Portlets
Formatting Elements for all or most Portlets
Further Elements for specific Portlets
Conditional Formatting for Grids
Managing Portlets
Using pictures and videos in HTML Portlets
Creating and editing pages
Managing and formatting a page
Navigation Button
Refreshing Portlets on Tab Change
Event Handling with Portlets
Using TIS Editor
TIS Editor
Editor Homepage
List of Projects
Project Homepage
List of Data Nodes
Project Properties
Copy Project
Delete Project
Import Project
Export Project
Replace Project
Data Node
Data Node Homepage
List of Operations
Result Table
Column Name and Index
Result Table Filter
Operator settings
Column references
Add Operation
Move Operation
Copy Operation
Activate/Deactivate Operation
Delete Operation
Operation Flags
Add Data Node
Copy Data Node
Move Data Node
Delete Data Node
Recalculate Data Node
Dependencies between data nodes
Data node recalculation modalities
Recalculation process between data nodes
Connect Data Node to TIS Board
Navigate between Data Nodes
Data Node Flags
Parent Node
Child Node
Referenced Node
Update process between data nodes
Operators (alphabetical overview)
Absence rate
ACD cache import
ACD import
Analyze text pattern
As a percentage 4.0
Calculate Min/Max
Chart: 2D Map (Pivot start table)
Chart: 2D Map (Start table list)
Chart: Gantt 2D
Chart: Histogram
TIS Board - HTML
Chart: Histogram Time Pattern
Format a chart in TIS Editor
Chart: Standard types 2.0
Chart: XY Scatter
Collect report data 2.0
Combine columns
Conversion "String -> Date 2.0"
Conversion "String -> Double"
Conversion of time pattern
Convert "Date/Time"
Convert "From-Date/From-Time/To-Time" 2.0
Copy or delete TIS tables
Create table
Cut values
Day or week profiles 2.0
Delete columns
Delete columns 2.0
Delete duplicated data records
Delete duplicated data records 2.0
Delete rows 2.0
Edit table (Interflex)
Edit TIS Table 3.0
Encrypt text
Export to an ODBC Data Source
Export to CSV file (server file system) 2.0
Export to CSV file (server file system) 3.0
Export to CSV file (TIS file system) 2.0
Export to CSV file (TIS file system) 3.0
Filter on columns 1.1
Filter on columns 1.2
Format columns 2.0
Format columns of 'Editable Grid' 1.0
Formula interpreter 3.1
Formula operator (row-by-row) (4.0) = Formeloperator
Find a row that causes the Formula Operator to stop
Formula operator (row-by-row) (5.0)
Formula operator: XIH Functions
Formula Operator: Date and Time
Formula operator: Extras
Formula operator: General Mathematics
Formula operator: Text
Formula Operator: Regular expressions
XIH Functions
Formula Operator: Conversion and Formatting
Freeze columns 3.0
General calendar
Generate shifts
Generate shifts 2.0
Identifier filter
Identifier instances
Identifier instances 2.0
Import from Excel file
Importing data from SQL sources 5.0
Import data from SQL sources with query file
Import text or CSV file with automatic column assignment up to 5.*
Import text or CSV file with automatic column assignment since 5.*
Import text or CSV file with manual column assignment 3.0
Import text or CSV file with manual column assignment 4.0
Length operator
Link to calendar
Link with value table
Load table from persistence
Merge data 5.0
Merge data with time relations
Missing/overlapping time intervals 2.0
Mix columns
Normalizing (date)
Normalizing (time of day)
Optimizer: Sequence Simple
Pivot table
Pivot table time x weekdays 2.0
Python scripting
Python scripting - with input table
Python scripting functions
Function main
Function simple_main
Function run
Function create_table
Python ZIP file
Parameters in Python Scripting
Useful sample Python Scripts
TIS File I/O in python scripting
Python Excel Import
Python translating texts for multilanguage use
Python Profiling
Read information of TIS table 3.0
Read Redis keys
Read TIS resources
Read TIS Table 8.0
Recalculate data nodes 1.0
Regression analysis
Regression analysis 4.0
Regression analysis seasonal 7.0
Regression analysis seasonal 8.0
Rename, reorder and delete columns 2.0
Replacing null values
Rescheduling (time shift)
Resolve pivot table 2.0
Resolve pivot table 4.0
Retail (sales volume and employees)
Save table in data cache
Save table in persistence
Scaling 8.0
Calculation methods
Use cases for allocation-oriented methods
Use cases for value-oriented methods
Scaling 8.2
Search for outliers
Seasonal ARIMA analysis 5.0
Select columns
Select columns 2.0
Select data source
Send e-mail 2.0
Sort Rows
Split columns
SPX - Conversion of (real) time presentation
Start process 2.0
Start process 3.0
Statistical evaluations
Stimulsoft report - export sample data 1.0
Sum and count
Sum up queues
Test operator
Thread column values
Time grouping 2.0
Time interval between rows
Time period filter
TIS Board - Adjust Portlet
TIS Board - Adjust portlet if column changes 1.0
TIS Board - Editable EJSChart 1.0
TIS Board - Editable EJSChart Histogram 1.0
TIS Board - EJSChart 3.0
TIS Board - EJSChart 6.0
TIS Board - EJSChart Histogram 2.0
TIS Board - Gauge 1.0
TIS Board - Generate editable data table 4.0
TIS Board - Generate editable data table 5.0
TIS Board - Multiple selection 3.0
TIS Board - Multiple selection 4.0
TIS Board - Quickview
TIS Board - Read editable data table 5.0
TIS Board - Read editable data table 6.0
TIS Board - Editable Grid 7.0
TIS Board - Recalculate 3.0
TIS Board - Recalculate 4.0
TIS Board - Dynamic selection for Editable Grid
TIS Board - Stimulsoft report viewer 2.0
TIS Board - Stimulsoft report viewer 4.0
TIS Board - TIS Editor Chart
TIS Board - Upload file 1.0
Trigger shift generation 2.0
Write Redis keys
Write TIS Table 5.0
Write TIS Table 7.0
Write TIS Table 8.0
Export to SQL database
Filter on columns 2.0
CreateTable 2.0
Create Pivot Table V5
Create pivot table 5.0
Edit TIS Table 4.0
Format columns 3.0
Import text or CSV file with manual column assignment 5.0
Python scripting (with input table) 2.0
Operator upgrade
TIS Board operators
TIS File
File Properties
Upload File
Download File
Delete File
Replace File
TIS Table
Delete TIS Table
Replace TIS Table
TIS Table Properties
Parameters in the "Import data from SQL sources v03" Operator
How to work with Parameters in TIS Board?
Creating Formatted Controller Portlets
Find empty strings in parameters
Input Data
Export result table
Design reusable and adaptive Projects
Keep the overview in large projects
Minimize errors in TIS Projects
Naming conventions
User Settings
TIS Filter syntax
TIS Board
Page properties
Distribute a Page
Page tree
Add a Page
Page visibility
Create a portlet
Admin Portlet
Portlet property
List of Portlet Properties
Edit a portlet
Operator Portlet Compatibility
List of Portlets
Chart (Portlet)
Controller (Portlet)
Editable EJS Chart (Portlet)
EJS Chart (Portlet)
File Upload (Portlet)
Gauge (Portlet)
HTML (Portlet)
Quick View (Portlet)
Simple Grid (Portlet)
COPY Create Sparklines in Simple Grid Portlets
SPX Picker (Portlet)
Tile (Portlet)
Editable Grid (Portlet)
Editing data in an Editable Grid
Paste contents from Excel
Edit data manually
Daten aus Excel einfügen
Daten manuell editieren
Stimulsoft (Portlet)
Designing a Stimulsoft Report
Stimulsoft with stacked/nested crosstabs
Heatmap Chart (Plotly)
Plotly chart
Data types in HTML Form
Trouble shooting portlets:
Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcuts TIS Board Edit Mode
Shortcuts TIS Board Resources
Shortcuts TIS Board View Mode
Portlet Designer
Portlet Explorer
Table of contents and links in TIS Board
View mode and design mode
Copying Data between Excel and TIS Board
TIS Board Viewer
TIS Admin (User Management)
How to set up a new user
TIS Solution developer
New User Management in TIS Editor
TIS Solution
Import TIS Solution
Export TIS Solution
TIS Selenium Testing
Testrun engine deployment
How to define a test in TST
Test Actions (Teststeps)
AddColumn (Test Action)
AddOperation (Test Action)
AddRowEdGrid (Test Action)
AssertCheckBox (Test Action)
AssertCurrentValueInValueList (Test Action)
AssertDateTimeBoxContentEqual (Test Action)
AssertDateTimeBoxContentNotEqual (Test Action)
AssertEdGridCellValueEqual (Test Action)
AssertEdGridCellValueNotEqual (Test Action)
AssertFormValueByLabel (Test Action)
AssertFormValueByNote (Test Action)
AssertGridContentEqualAndLengthMatches (Test Action)
AssertGridContentEqual (Test Action)
AssertGridContentNotEqual (Test Action)
AssertNoteByFormLabel (Test Action)
AssertStimulsoftContainsText (Test Action)
AssertStimulsoftDoesNotContainText (Test Action)
AssertTileExists (Test Action)
AssertValueEqual (Test Action)
AssertValueNotEqual (Test Action)
ChooseDatanode (Test Action)
ChooseOperator (Test Action)
ChooseProject (Test Action)
ClearSubtitle (Test Action)
ClickButton (Test Action)
ClickByCss (Test Action)
ClickById (Test Action)
ClickByTag (Test Action)
ClickByXpath (Test Action)
ClickDashboardTreeNode (Test Action)
ClickIcon (Test Action)
ClickLink (Test Action)
ClickMessageStep (Test Action)
ClickTab (Test Action)
ClickTile: Navigationskachel enthält Text (Test Action)
ClickTile: Navigationskachel klicken (Test Action)
CloseDashboardTreeFolder (Test Action)
CollapseDashboardTreePanel (Test Action)
CollapsePortlet (Test Action)
DownloadLink (Test Action)
DuplicateRow (Test Action)
ExpandDashboardTreePanel (Test Action)
ExpandPortlet (Test Action)
FilterEdgridColumnBy (Test Action)
FindTextInHtmlPortlet (Test Action)
InfoText: Beschreibung (Test Action)
InfoText: Bild Einfügen (Test Action)
InfoText: Merge Powerpoint (Test Action)
InfoText: - (Test Action)
InputByLabel (Test Action)
InputByPlaceholder (Test Action)
InsertIntoEdGridContent (Test Action)
InsertRowAfter (Test Action)
Jump: home (Test Action)
Jump: next (Test Action)
Jump: previous (Test Action)
MultiSelect (Test Action)
OpenDashboardTreeFolder (Test Action)
PauseRecording (Test Action)
PowerpointNextSlide (Test Action)
ReplaceEdGridContent (Test Action)
ReplaceTableHeader (Test Action)
ReplaceTable (Test Action)
ResumeRecording (Test Action)
RightclickCell (Test Action)
SaveEdGrid (Test Action)
SaveForm (Test Action)
SaveStimulsoftAsPdf (Test Action)
ScreenshotNow (Test Action)
SelectFromValueList (Test Action)
SendKeysByCss (Test Action)
SendKeysById (Test Action)
SendKeysByTag (Test Action)
SendKeysByXpath (Test Action)
SendKeysEdGrid (Test Action)
SendKeys (Test Action)
SetCheckBoxEdGrid (Test Action)
SetCheckBox (Test Action)
SetFormValueByLabel (Test Action)
SetFormValueByNote (Test Action)
SetTypeOfColumn (Test Action)
SpxConfirmPickerDialog (TestAction)
SpxPickerAssertNotSelectable (TestAction)
SpxPickerAssertNotSelected (TestAction)
SpxPickerAssertSelectable (TestAction)
SpxPickerAssertSelected (TestAction)
SpxPickerRemoveItems (TestAction)
SpxPickerSelectItems (TestAction)
StartRecording (Test Action)
StopRecording (Test Action)
Subtitle (Test Action)
VisitSiteAndCreatePDF (Test Action)
Wait (Test Action)
Test settings and credentials
TST Change Log
TIS Training
Basic training
Advanced training
Exercise extra
Übungsbeispiel 4.2
Exercise 6.2
Exercise 6
Übungsbeispiel 1
Übungsbeispiel 6
Exercise 1
Exercise 4.1
Exercise 6.1
Exercise 6.4
Exercise 7.2
Exercise 8
Exercise 9
Übungsbeispiel 1.2
Exercise 6.3
Übungsbeispiel 10
Übungsbeispiel 11
Übungsbeispiel 12
Übungsbeispiel 13
Übungsbeispiel 14
Übungsbeispiel 2
Übungsbeispiel 3
Exercise 7.1
Übungsbeispiel 6.1
Übungsbeispiel 4.1
Übungsbeispiel 6.4
Übungsbeispiel 7.2
Übungsbeispiel 8
Übungsbeispiel 9
Übungsbeispiel 7.1
Übungsbeispiel 6.3
Exercise 1.1
Übungsbeispiel 1.1
Übungsbeispiel 1.3
Übungsbeispiel 6.2
Exercise 1.3
Exercise 1.2
Exercise 2.1
Exercise 2.2
Exercise 4.2
Exercise 5 "Chat"
Exercise 7.3 Editable working time record
Übungsbeispiel 5.1
Übungsbeispiel 5.2
Übungsbeispiel 7
Create a new client
Delete an existing client
TIS releases with plano or SP-EXPERT compatibility
Software Patches
Software Patches up to version 6.6
Software Patches up-to version 5.16
xiOperationsTemplate.xml plano extention for TIS 6.9
FAQs and Troubleshooting
Fix expired server certificates
HTTPS Configuration
Installing Certificate
Load Balancing
Oracle Requirements
Prepare Windows features for TIS deployment on machines without Internet connection
Recommended Browser Settings
Change Log
TIS 6.4 Change Log
TIS 6.5 Change Log
TIS 6.6 Change Log
TIS 6.7 Change Log
TIS 6.8 Change Log
TIS 6.9 Change Log
TIS 7.0.0 Change Log
TIS 7.0.1 Change Log
TISInstaller Settings
System requirements
System requirements up-to version 6.5
TIS 6.0 Stand-alone Installation with MSSQL
TIS 6.0 Stand-alone Installation with Oracle
TIS 6.2 Stand-alone Installation
TIS 6.4 Stand-alone Installation
TIS 6.6 Stand-alone Installation
TIS 6.9 Stand-alone Installation
Important Changes when Upgrading an existing system
TIS 7.0 Stand-alone Installation
TIS 7.0 Installation with Plano/SPX Integration
Plano only steps
TIS Cluster Deployment with load balancing
SSL tunnel deployment
TIS Editor Settings
TIService Settings
Database maintenance jobs
Licensing and TIS Marketplace
TIS Marketplace / TIS Marktplatz
Temporary Developer License for Debugging at the Marketplace
Prepaid activation code usage
Advanced Issues
Management of data sets
How to work with large data sets
Switching between data sets
How to prepare Data for using Standard Packages
How to deal with many data and several variables?
Updating of Edited Data
Join before Init
Method csv
Method TIS-Table
Method Append
Managing Pages and Projects
Introduction & Mechanisms
Working with Template Projects
Templates = Using Boards with many users
Visibility & Publication of Pages
Deploy Pages & Delete deployed pages
Master portlets
Inspect Error-Status of Clones / Data inside of Clones / Debug Clones
Ownership of Projects & Administration Portlets
Licensing & Report Type
Further Administration Portlets
Changing Resources
Advanced Usage TIS Board
Updating Pages on Opening
Change the Default Client for TIS Board Login
Setting a different Logo
Adjust Portlet properties dynamically
Deactivate Startup Tips
Remote control API to change TIS Board State
TIS Board Settings
Change Online Help
Hiding Zero Values
Using Links (e.g. for icons) in Texts and Resources
OPA in TIS Optimizing Shifts and Staffing
Setting up a cron job (cronjob)
Solution Runner
Developing Solutions - when to log out?
Switching between Languages / Translation
Run in 32-bit mode
File Guard Configuration
Active Directory (AD) authentication configuration
eTermin in TIS
Advanced python issues
LogOnScripts for custom login
User pool
File Guard configuration in TIS Board
Create a file with a secure download link
Pages by German names
Textmuster analysieren
In Prozent 4.0
Min/Max ermitteln
Diagramm: Landkarte 2D (Ausgangstabelle Pivot)
Diagramm: Landkarte 2D (Ausgangstabelle Liste)
Diagramm: Gantt 2D
Diagramm: Histogramm
Diagramm: Histogramm Zeitraster
Diagramm: Standarddiagramme 2.0
Diagramm: Punkt (XY)
Reportdaten sammeln 2.0
Spalten zusammenfassen
Umwandlung "String -> Datum 2.0"
Umwandlung "String -> Double"
Umwandlung "Datum/Von-Uhrzeit/Bis-Uhrzeit"
Umwandlung "Datum/Uhrzeit"
Pivottabelle erstellen V5
TIS Tabellen kopieren oder löschen
Zeilen löschen 2.0
Doppelte Datensätze löschen
Spalten löschen
Tages- oder Wochenprofile 2.0
Werte schneiden
Tabelle erzeugen
Tabelle bearbeiten
Text verschlüsseln
Export in eine ODBC-Datenquelle
Export in CSV Datei (Serverdateisystem) 2.0
Export in CSV Datei (TIS-Dateisystem) 2.0
Filter auf Spalten 1.1
Spalten formatieren 2.0
Spalten einer 'Editierbaren Datentabelle' formatieren 1.0
Formelinterpreter 3.1
Formeloperator (zeilenweise) (4.0)
Formeloperator (zeilenweise) (5.0)
Spalten einfrieren 3.0
Allgemeiner Kalender
Schichten generieren
Identifizierer Filter
Identifizierer Ausprägungen
Import aus Excel Datei
Importieren von Daten aus SQL-Quellen 5.0
Import Text- bzw. CSV-Datei mit automatischer Spaltenzuordnung
Import Text- bzw. CSV-Datei mit manueller Spaltenzuordnung 3.0
Import Text- bzw. CSV-Datei mit manueller Spaltenzuordnung 4.0
Zeitintervall innerhalb einer Zeile
Verknüpfen mit Kalender
Verknüpfung mit Wertetabelle
Tabelle aus Persistenz laden
Daten zusammenfassen 4.0
Daten zusammenfassen mit Zeitrelationen
Fehlende/Überlappende Zeitintervalle
Spalten mischen
Normierung (Datum)
Normierung (Tageszeit)
Optimierer: Sequence Simple
Pivottabelle Uhrzeit x Wochentage 2.0
Python Scripting (mit Eingabetabelle)
TIS Tabelleninformation lesen 3.0
Redis Keys lesen
TIS Resourcen auslesen
TIS Tabelle lesen 5.0
Datenknoten neu berechnen 1.0
Regressionsanalyse saisonal 7.0
Spalten umbenennen, umsortieren und löschen 2.0
Null-Werte ersetzen
Pivottabelle auflösen 2.0
Handel (Umsatz und Besetzung)
Tabelle in Daten-Cache speichern
Tabelle in Persistenz speichern
Rastern 8.0
Ausreisser suchen
Saisonale ARIMA-Analyse 5.0
Datenquelle auswählen
E-Mail senden 2.0
Zeilen sortieren
Spalten splitten
SPX - Zeitdarstellungskonvertierung
Prozess starten 2.0
Statistische Auswertungen
Stimulsoft Report - Beispieldaten Export 1.0
Summieren und Zählen
Queues addieren
Spalteninhalt verketten
Zeit gruppieren 2.0
Zeitintervall zwischen Zeilen
TIS Board - Portlet anpassen
TIS Board - Portlet bei Spaltenänderung anpassen 1.0
TIS Board - Editierbares EJSChart 1.0
TIS Board - Editierbares EJSChart Histogramm 1.0
TIS Board - EJSChart Histogramm 2.0
TIS Board - Tachometer 1.0
TIS Board - Editierbare Datentabelle erzeugen 4.0
TIS Board - Mehrfachauswahl 3.0
TIS Board - Editierbare Datentabelle holen 5.0
TIS Board - Neu berechnen 3.0
TIS Board - Auswahlliste für Editierbare Datentabelle
TIS Board - TIS Editor Grafik
TIS Board - Datei hochladen 1.0
Trigger Dienstgenerierung 2.0
TIS Tabelle schreiben 5.0
Dateiupload (Portlet)
Datentabelle (Portlet)
Editierbare Datentabelle (Portlet)
Editierbares EJS Chart (Portlet)
Steuerung (Portlet)
Tachometer (Portlet)
TIS Editor Grafik (Portlet)
Formatting strings
Tipps für Reports (in Stimulsoft)
TIS Solution Datenreiniger
TIS Error Codes
Typographic Conventions
Data Types